About the Project
Aim of the project is development and spreading of new technology on effective
energy use that enables shortening of consumption expenditure from 3 to 5 times
(watch technical part of the document).
Device for realization of this technology is the invention Real Watt Transformer.
Real Watt Transformer is a transformer with new physical parameters and has
built-in electronic part. By all this, the construction is not complicated in the
context of technical realization and does not require huge investments for its
Demonstration of production sample is given on YouTube channel of the project
( Presented device changes
understanding about use of electric power and in the nearest future will
introduce big changes to the world of energetics.
Project realization with the help of block chain technology will help to fasten the
process of technology development and spreading, avoiding monopolization and
full concealing of technical information and also helps to partially avoid
bureaucratic barriers.
Each owner of RWTS tokens, from the moment of beginning of device producing
can exchange tokens on device Real Watt Transformer (TRANSFORMER OF REAL
ELECTRIC POWER), be the exchange rate 1RWTS=1 Watt power of device. One token
owner would be able to receive device(s) with general power not more than 5000
Watt but in the same time each can trade any number of tokens. Limitation in
token exchange for device allows spreading it among a lot of people and with
minimal cost on the beginning stage of producing. Close to producing beginning
of RWTS token will compoundly grow that gives huge advantage for the future
owners of the device as well as for device owners and token owners.
Token emission RWTS
- Emission and realization on the platform Waves
- Emitter -3P78s6aicNUK8jDqRECoM4ULJCwzopb5cvj
- Asset ID - HSjt4yKA6qc8hbwh257EbSYoiPXombbWmkv7BZqYrJjF
- Number of produced tokens RWTS - 10.000.000 (ten millions).
- Type – Not re-issued.
Token realization RWTS
- 500.000 RWTS by price 0.12 $
- 500.000 RWTS by price 0.15 $
- 8.500.000 by price 0.18 $
- 5% expenses on support and promotion of the project.
- Minimal sum by which the project is considered – $200.000
- Token realization will continue maximum during 40 days.
- Token that were not used are burned.
Calendar of plan completion
- The second semester of 2018 – Creating of modern research laboratory, devicedesigning with maximal possible coefficient of effectiveness and different power (approximately from 250 to 3000 Watt of switched load power).
- The first semester of 2019 – Trial model testing for producing. Organization and preparing of small adjusting shops in regions.
- The second semester of 2019 – Preparation of website for RWTS token exchange for devices Real Watt Transformer. Start of producing. Token exchange.
Technical part
Power of electrical appliances and their consumption
Using different electrical appliances we are sure that all consumed energy is
needed for work conducting by these devices. For example if device shows that its
power is 100 Watt then we have no doubt that consumption of this device from
electric network should be approximately 100 Watt. Should the power
consumption be just like the power of the electrical appliance itself? Note that
there is power consumed from the source and there is power of the electrical
appliance itself!
Let’s discuss the principle of work of ordinary transformer to understand how
much energy is really needed for work support of any electrical appliance.
Demonstration video of the experiment is on the
channel of the project
Work of transformer without load (blank run regime)
in time (ะค1). Change of magnetic current that goes through the secondary side
creates E (U2) in this side. By all this inductivity of primary side and reactance are
not changed and the consumption power is minimal because the secondary side
is not loaded. Usually transformer consumption in blank run regime is less than
10% from its calculated power. Cores of modern transformers are designed for
Real Watt Transformer
In order for the connected appliance not to lower the inductance of the primary
transformer choke and, accordingly, the current consumption not to increase, it is
necessary to minimize the impact of the counter magnetic current created by this
electrical appliance. As a result, only acting magnetic field created by power of
blank run will remain in the transformer. As we have already understood, this
magnetic field is sufficient to maintain the voltage on the output choke with the
load connected, which corresponds to the design capacity of the transformer.
Under this condition, the appliance will operate at its rated power, and the source
will give power only to maintain the required voltage. In this mode of operation of
the transformer, there are no violations of the physic laws.
The work of REAL WATT TRANSFORMER is based on the principle of manipulating
magnetic currents. Demonstration video of REAL WATT TRANSFORMER on the
channel of the project
For the frequency of operation demonstration of the RWT (REAL WATT
TRANSFORMER) the power source is UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
intended for uninterrupted power supply of computers. The UPS has a cover
removed, to make it clear that no additions are used in the scheme. An ammeter
and a voltmeter are connected to the UPS battery to measure the power
consumption of the entire installation. RWT is powered by UPS, which in turn is
connected to a 220-volt load of incandescent lamps with a total power of 120
Watts. The load consumption is also measured by ammeter and voltmeter.
We turn on the load, while fixing the current and voltage consumption on the
battery supply and the load itself. We fix the difference in the power readings on
the battery and at the RWT output with the load connected.
Organizer of the project and inventor of the device Real Watts Transformer:
Maksus Kudratov you know him from the videos of the project. Electrical
Engineer Eugene Shagalov: takes active part in developments. His work
experience on strategic objective for 20 years is invaluable. Of course, one
cannot do without an experienced economist: Ekaterina Kachanova who is a
respected person with extensive work experience in large-scale production
To more information click link below :
Website :
YouTube :
Telegram :
Twitter :
Whitepaper :
Author : Sd_angeL
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1926500
ETH Address : 0x789B68bEac517F49c46039363C36c41942Fb1C8F
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