Kirik - The Semantic Contract Protocol!

Many predict that by 2020 will be unclaimed accountants, legal advisors, notaries, logisticians, journalists, travel agents and even taxi drivers! Why? Their place will be taken by smart computer programs and those who are behind them.

Today there are big challenges for programmers:

  • Increase the volume of data and models for their processing;
  • The emergence of new optical and quantum computers with great capabilities;
  • Development of human-machine interfaces and artificial intelligence technology.

That is, semantic systems working with speech and languages (translation, search on the Internet, human-computer communication) will be increasingly in demand. As well as the distribution and development of software, which can be influenced by an ordinary user.

The development of neurointerfaces, including "management of thought", different objects, the transmission of sensations and experiences at a distance. It is obvious that in many areas of human life information technologies are already being used more and more closely. So stay away, it means stay with nothing. But fortunately these problems can be solved by a project called Kirik.

This Protocol allows to produce well-formed semantic model, which can directly act as an information system, making unnecessary the stage of programming. At the same time, they retain the meaning of business processes, and are open to AI tools and robots. That is, it is a bridge from the human brain to artificial intelligence. Almost any person using the systems, templates, flowcharts will be able to create for the activity of such contracts.

What are the advantages of these smart semantic contracts:

  • Direct control over business processes;
  • Modeling sets explicit semantics of the subject area, which is necessary for AI and robots;
  • Modeling (as opposed to programming) can engage a wide range of employees – managers, 
  • consultants, analysts, lawyers.
  • Decrease the waiting time for the user. The speed of life grow. And the user needs to make an order right now, and the transfer of money to the card will be simple and made in one click. Operating speeds are determined by both hardware and software;
  • Protection of personal data. Every year computing power grows and becomes cheaper. Encryption algorithms become obsolete, and hacking systems becomes easier. And such semantic contracts eliminate these shortcomings;
  • It is essential to simplify the perception of contracts by managers and lawyers who are far from programming;
  • Integrate smart contracts into a traditional business environment.

Smart contracts connect scalable, decentralized economic spaces that include multiple companies, industries, and customers, regardless of the level of trust between them. Here Kirik helps people to intuitively perceive them as quite ordinary contracts by all participants of the process and it gives you the opportunity to choose a specific type of registry for each project (no binding to a specific blockchain) - depending on the structure of the group of partners, the level of trust between them and the tasks.

The idea is very promising for the team and their products will make it safer to use machines and robots in our lives, as thanks to semantics will take into account those moments when life can be in danger and prevent such cases. Its members and managers are well-known professors, scientists with extensive experience and now pre-sale of tokens is being held.

More information you can find on these links:
Whitepaper :
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Author : Sd_angeL
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1926500
ETH Address : 0x789B68bEac517F49c46039363C36c41942Fb1C8F


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