Bluepass - Revolutionizing Access to Data, Healthcare, and Claims Processing for Everyone

Good night, friends, colleagues, and investors. Today the VA deals with subject, medical services, and everything connected with Medici. And as you would expect, it is the provision of medical services through blockchain technology. And go so.Platform Blüpass - Make decisions and talented team development Roy who seeks to maintain control over consumers, facilitate data transfer for electronic health records, service requests, inspections, and more. Blockchain technology is supported by Smart-contracts, core insurance and healthcare provision. In Blüpass use Smart contract to facilitate instant Pets, monet prevention and consumer control over health care process. Blüpass has an important advantage in the market str: economic time and money.
Blüpass uses Orient to client mobile platforms that allow you to control consumer time and provide documentation of drugs to meet the requirements. Account factor in paid to sit minutes, not months! ND suppliers can reduce costs and save money. The strike will soon be your claim by saying okay. They will also nolan the case from monet.
Blüpass Mont prostate market solutions for storage applications, will emerge solutions such as telemedicine, electronic medical records and other innovation ideas. All BLU tokens are available for purchase with ETH. The base price of tokens is set to $ 0.25 USD.
Blüpass generates Token 6 billion (BLU). Consumers outside our network buy tokens (blue) to access our system. The operator - a contract for the purchase of Blues, to facilitate their right to the Blupass system. Onced is used, tokens can be reused. The operator can store your tokens for an unlimited period of time or you will re-sell the system. This worm is not much about the ICO project, is a pre-blue flag blue marker
- March 15, 2018
- May 14, 2018
ICO Home Sale
- ICO Start
- May 15, 2018
- Final ICO
- July 15, 2018
Review and analyze Blupass
Here you can read our review and our objective analysis of Blupass.
- Experienced network commands
- High overhead, data processing, and data security issues are all Suppressing issues that need to be addressed
- Business models have strong use cases for tokens
- Target a large global market and have room for new innovations
- Potential problem
- High evaluation phase of ICO, $ 1.5 billion
- The software and blockchain development experience can be better represented in the team by considering the complexity of the project
- Facebook The size of the community compared to other social media platforms is used to increase suspicion of potential use of bots
- No partners are publicly listed. Platform Platform
- Register blockchain data delivery directly in the world of health care
Blüpass will build multilayer blockchain to accommodate existing and new health care technologies. We will use our unique blockchain registers to provide data directly to the claims service while providing technical support to eliminate fraud for operators. The insurance market in the world is $ 7 trillion. Thanks to blockchain technology, Blüpass has a significant advantage. We save time and money. The Blüpass system in the US can generate savings of more than $ 350 billion per year. We will fundamentally change the dynamics between providers, consumers and operators. The interactions between consumers, suppliers and insurance companies are disrupted in the health care system.
Blüpass Hoe dit op te los? Blüpass Sal gebruik smart contract op te los, ondoeltreffendheid Chicks verskaffers en draers. Appendix plaas verbruiker in beheer van die deel van data administrator connection from king van. Appendix Sal ook Sam meets with the EN derde-party oplossings in electronic medical records (Elektroniese Mediese record) left and right wing Bestuur te skakel, bedside van Michael stelsel.
The cave is tegnologie agter dit? Blüpass platform revenge gebruik te genereer like twee tips various smart contracts. Blüpass is a basket Vann unieke protocol hole bepalend is virinteraksie verskeie smart contract, Chicks. Blüpass BLU tekens in gebruik sy digital grootboek. Furniture in the spacious room Inge vir Draers, Diensverskaffers, notices the user connection said gehandhaaf in blue mark in versprei grootboeke.
The cave is across from Blüpass? Appendix visier vereis samewerking Tucson vast sector of Kaffir poetry, verbruikers, tegnologie, draers en vers group specialiste. Blüpass bestaan van, clamping Ryder hole gewerk het on al like you will agtergronde.
Hoe dit tot voordeel van die verbruiker? Tense houses make Sal'n unieke hold the Blüpass stanel. Verbruikers Kan verleen toegang tot gesondheid recorded in reunion Cao a Deere klinici en verskaffers. Hulle kan ook Alex verskaffers, draers, connected products. Consumer
Patients enter suppliers in delusions that their providers and guarantor communicate freely. Patients face the reality, their experience in the doctor's office is still far from perfect. They can beta-n extra charges on windows, but will leave behind some facts, an unintelligible bill will come through the post.
Healthcare providers often are torn between wanting to serve their community and supporting financial tortured business models. Administrative tensions and pressures force suppliers to keep pace with the ever-increasing price structure. Administrative costs in the United States are projected to reach $ 315 billion by 2018. a real solution
We are unique in the ICO world. We are a real company with real products and solutions. The Blüpass product was born from innovation. We will change the shortcomings in the health sector and turn it into a consumer-oriented egalitarian model.
The Know-How Industry.
Project team
Blüpass has the best team in the industry. They are practical leaders with years of experience and specialized experts in blockchain with successful Blockchain project experience.
Secure Books
Blüpass will build an open source platform designed to solve problems. We believe that the best solution comes from different actors in sync with shared goals. This is a really cool project and this project is able to really bring about a change in our lives.
More information about the project can be found at:
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