Equitybase :: Securities Token Platform power by blockchain

Worlds first Securities Token Ecosystem enable financing, investing and trading on the blockchain 30% Economists have stated the illiquidity of assets discount is 20-30%, this represents a huge amount of under value assets.

Tokenizing illiquid assets and creating a market in which to trade can reduce the illiquidity discount.

About Equitybase

Worlds first Securities Token Ecosystem enable financing, investing and trading on the blockchain 30% Economists have stated the illiquidity of assets discount is 20-30%, this represents a huge amount of under value assets. Tokenizing illiquid assets and creating a market in which to trade can reduce the illiquidity discount.

Asset back tokenized investment and trading ecosystem Equitybase Real Estate platform is a new Ethereum Smart Contract based ecosystem that applies Block chain technologies to the global Real Estate investment industry .

By lowering barriers to entry and increasing market liq uidity with transparent pricing, it will g iving greater access to global investment and fractional trading in Real Est ate industry . Equitybase will offer an effective and direct model of investing and se curing the value of the existing 500 + Billion USD equivalent in cryptocurrency,

to the less volatile and growing real e st ate market , by generating rental income, value appreciation and hedging.

Stage 1 ICO ends on
March 20th,2018

Development roadmap

Equitybase team

For More Information Follow this Link :

Official Website :https://equitybase.co/
White Paper :https://equitybase.co/equitybasewhitepaper1.pdf
Join Us on Telegram :https://t.me/equitybase
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/equitybase

Twitter : https://twitter.com/offical_equitybase

bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926500

ETH Address : 0x789B68bEac517F49c46039363C36c41942Fb1C8F


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